Industry Insider Threat Programs Review and Recommendations Study

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In 2017 and 2018, MITRE conducted a review of industry programs and capabilities in insider threat, including identifying leading practices and lessons learned. The MITRE team conducted semi-structured interviews with insider threat program representatives from 20 industry organizations spanning 11 sectors (energy-power, communications, professional services, finance, manufacturing, biotech/pharmaceutical, health insurance, technology, entertainment, education, and the defense industrial base). Based on the qualitative analyses, this research study resulted in a MITRE Technical Report of key findings from the industry review, including leading practices and lessons learned, to provide the first benchmark to inform all Insider Threat/Risk Programs in government and industry. The data-driven insights have been shared across critical infrastructure industries, were recently used to enhance Insider Threat/Risk Program guidebooks for the energy sector and higher education sector, and were praised by Gartner. Now five years later, in 2022 and 2023, we are planning to replicate this applied study with data collected from 40-50 Insider Threat/Risk Programs across a dozen different sectors. If your organization is interested in participating, please contact us.

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